The expression, “You’ve Got This,” conjures a nodding bobble-head visual, confident of its destiny, assured of the route, and motoring with a knowing of how proceed no matter the obstacles, distractions, or past transgressions. Reaching a level of comfort upon your path where the energy wanes slightly, the know-how and cruise-control take the reigns, and gliding effortlessly equates with a “you’ve got this” feeling.
As if miles have stretched behind, experience, success, and routine establish a foundation. Yet familiarity can lead to stagnation, plateau, and delays upon the journey. Admiring the comfort seems harmless, but addressing the treadmill’s lack of progress is crucial. What shakes the body from maintenance is change. Breaking cycles of ‘usual’, same-old same-old, or gathering dust type behavior is to change it up. Give it an energy boost that jars the body to release its stronghold upon unwanted baggage, its extra weight.
This means altering food choices, exercise routines, and adding variety to the plan. Scrambling the usual, erasing the monotony of stability to create a little chaos seems to awaken dormancy and boost movement on the scale and within the body. Deciding what to tweak when the going is good is tricky business. Knowing what to transform takes examination of the uniform, boring, and repetitive foods, actions and approaches. With a bird’s eye view analysis eases into your heart with answers.
Once you know, you cannot not know. And with this knowing, You’ve Got This. Changing it up is good course of action. Rather than spinning wheels, take a new route repeatedly to empower the body for everlasting transformation. Stagnation leads to an unhappiness only resolved by change. You’ve Really Got This!
“I’m starting with the man in the mirror
I’m asking him to change his ways
And no message could have been any clearer
If you want to make the world a better place
Take a look at yourself, and make a change.”
-Michael Jackson
(although a global message for change, it really starts with each individual’s transformation.)