Doing the opposite seems sensible when smart choices lose effectiveness. Sometimes weight loss comes to a halt at the crossroads of a weight plateau. Awakening the body from its comfort zone requires modifications. Altering food choices, varying exercise routines, and reversing past actions, result in a “George Costanza” approach. Avoiding perceived risk, when ineffective results occur, fosters doing the opposite to promote momentum and successful results.
Clean food and exercise remain, yet daringly different choices take center stage. Tucked away in the iced up corners of the freezer may be long ago seen vegetables, boot camp classes exchanged for cardio interval training, and vacation-swapped stress for peace, challenge the norms. Highlander beef, wild boar, and organic chicken sausages, emerge from a deep freeze to thaw, and embracing new foods comes to the forefront. The lonely, dusty treadmill awaits walks or short sprints.
Playing it safe resulting in minimal to no weight loss for weeks requires a pause to change the usual. Scales of justice out of favor wreak havoc psychologically. Swinging high calories to low, alternating carbohydrate levels, and jump-starting the heart rate with sprints, alter outcomes by living on the. Does slow and steady win the race? Highlighting the “should not’s” may support new momentum. Applying opposite principles with new rules may catapult results.
Questioning the status quo is novel protocol. My success has contains challenging norms, raising havoc upon the “usual,” and raising a questioning brow toward societal and lifestyle rules. By considering an alternative, I head along a different path to goals. Safe, expected, and perfected routes have lost optimization. The law of diminishing returns states that when one variable increases, there is a point when the marginal increase in output begins to decrease, holding all other inputs constant. Therefore, if I continue to do what I have always done and assume my results will be constant, I have erred greatly. Changing the unvaried inputs is necessary for optimization.
Going “George Costanza” is necessary action to shake the scale, eliminate perfection of the macronutrient numbers, and thwart the psychological and physical stagnation. Justifying change, alternating paths, while staying true to clean eating, is not making up new rules; it is embracing the parameters and stirring the settled pot. By reallocating choices that deny the usual reaction, success gains greater potential. Consider the default behavior and attempt the opposite. Surprise the predictable with new results. Change is only a thought and leap outside of the box.